Before using your pressure cooker, please take the time
to read all the instructions and always refer to the "User guide".
Improper use may result in damage.
For your safety, this pressure cooker complies with the applicable standards
and regulations:
- Pressure Equipment Directive
- Materials that come into contact with food products
- Environment
Make sure that the steam release outlet (B) is not
obstructed - fig 13.
that the bearing* or the piston* of the safety valve (E) is
mobile - fig 17 or fig 17a.
that the lid gasket is placed under each notch of the lid
- fig 14.
that the lid handles are properly fastened. The lid
handles are safety components. Never remove them or
replace them yourself.
Never use your pressure cooker without liquid, as this
could damage it. Make sure there's always enough
liquid in the device when cooking.
Minimum quantity of liquid 250 ml/25 cl - fig 4.
Maximum quantity of food 2/3 of the height of the pan,
MAX 2 mark - fig 5.
When steaming food, the food in the steam
basket*must not come into contact with the water and
must not exceed the MAX 2 mark on the pan - fig 7.
Maximum 1/3 (mark MAX 1) of the height of the pan
for foodstuffs that expand and/or foam during cooking,
such as rice, pulses, dehydrated vegetables, stewed fruit,
pumpkin, courgettes, carrots, potatoes, fillets of fish, etc.
- fig 6.
fig 1 fig 2 fig 3
fig 4
fig 5
fig 6
fig 7
fig 8
fig 9 fig 10 fig 11 fig 12
fig 13 fig 14 fig 15 fig 16
fig 17 fig 17 bis/17a fig 18 fig 19
*depending on model
Et/ balık
Sepet olmadan.
2 KİŞİ 400 ml / 2 bardak 150 g / 1 bardak
7-8 dk4 KİŞİ
500 ml / 2,5 bardak
250 g / 2 bardak
700 ml / 3,5 bardak
375 g / 3 bardak
Bıldırcın: 4 9 İLA 10 dk 18 İLA 20 dk
Ördek (1,8 kg) 45 İLA 47 dk 50 İLA 55 dk
Piliç: 2 (1,3 kg) 23 İLA 25 dk 40 İLA 45 dk
Somon bifteği: 4 (0,8 kg) 5 İLA 6 dk 7 İLA 8 dk
Domuz eti bonfile: 2 adet
350 g parça
13 İLA 15 dk 26 İLA 29 dk
Dana eti bonfile: 0,7 kg 17 İLA 21 dk 33 İLA 38 dk
Keler balığı fileto 1 kg
Parça olarak 75 g
5 İLA 6 dk 7 İLA 8 dk
Tavşan (1,5 kg parça olarak) 8 İLA 9 dk 20 İLA 23 dk
Dana sarma: 4 10 İLA 12 dk x
Tavuk (1,35 kg) 23 İLA 25 dk 1 sa İLA 1 sa 10
Sığır biftek (1 kg Ø 8-11 cm) 30 İLA 35 dk 45 İLA 50 dk
Domuz biftek (0,8 kg Ø 8-10 cm) 30 İLA 35 dk 1 sa 05 İLA 1 sa 15
Dana biftek (0,8 kg Ø 5-7 cm) 17 İLA 19 dk 37 İLA 40 dk
Kuzu bacak: 2 (veya 0,95 kg) 40 İLA 45 dk 1 sa 05 İLA 1 sa 15
Ton balığı biftek: 4 (veya 0,7 kg) 5 İLA 6 dk 7 İLA 9 dk
Not: Kapasitesi 5 litreden az olan düdüklü tencereler için, kırmızı veya beyaz
et parçaları haznenin MAX 2 seviyesinin üzerine geçmemelidir. 8 cm veya
daha düşük yükseklikte bir et seçimi yapın.
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