• When a disc is inserted upside down, “PLEASE” and
“EJECT” appear alternately on the display. Press 0 to
eject the disc.
• In this manual, words “track” and “file” are
interchangeably used.
• While fast-forwarding or reversing on an MP3 or
WMA disc, you can only hear intermittent sounds.
• If you change the source while listening to a disc,
playback stops.
Next time you select “CD” as the playback source,
playback will start from where it had been stopped
• After ejecting a disc, “NO DISC” appears and you
cannot operate some of the buttons. Insert another
disc or press SRC to select another playback source.
• If the ejected disc is not removed within 15 seconds,
it is automatically inserted into the loading slot again
to protect it from dust. Playback starts automatically.
Playing a CD-R or CD-RW
• Use only “finalized” CD-Rs or CD-RWs.
• This unit can only play back files of the same type as
those detected first if a disc includes both audio CD
(CD-DA) files and MP3/WMA files.
• This unit can play back multi-session discs; however,
unclosed sessions will be skipped while playing.
• Some CD-Rs or CD-RWs may not play back on this
unit because of their disc characteristics, or for the
following reasons:
– Discs are dirty or scratched.
– Moisture condensation has occurred on the lens
inside the unit.
– The pickup lens inside the unit is dirty.
– The files on the CD-R/CD-RW are written using the
“Packet Write” method.
– There are improper recording conditions (missing
data, etc.) or media conditions (stained, scratched,
warped, etc.).
• CD-RWs may require a longer readout time since the
reflectance of CD-RWs is lower than that of regular
• Do not use the following CD-Rs or CD-RWs:
– Discs with stickers, labels, or a protective seal stuck
to the surface.
– Discs on which labels can be directly printed by an
ink jet printer.
Using these discs under high temperature or high
humidity may cause malfunctions or damage to the
Playing an MP3/WMA disc
• This unit can play back MP3/WMA files with the
extension code <.mp3> or <.wma> (regardless of
the letter case—upper/lower).
• This unit can show the names of albums, artists
(performer), and Tag (Version 1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, or
2.4) for MP3 files and for WMA files.
• This unit can display only one-byte characters. No
other characters can be correctly displayed.
• This unit can play back MP3/WMA files meeting the
conditions below:
– Bit rate of MP3: 32 kbps — 320 kbps
– Sampling frequency of MP3:
48 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz (for MPEG-1)
24 kHz, 22.05 kHz, 16 kHz (for MPEG-2)
– Bit rate of WMA:
32 kbps — 192 kbps
– Disc format: ISO 9660 Level 1/Level 2, Romeo,
Joliet, Windows long file name
• The maximum number of characters for file/folder
names vary depending on the disc format used
(includes 4 extension characters—<.mp3> or
– ISO 9660 Level 1: up to 12 characters
– ISO 9660 Level 2: up to 31 characters
– Romeo *: up to 128 characters
– Joliet *: up to 64 characters
– Windows long file name *: up to 128 characters
* The parenthetic figure is the maximum number of
characters for file/folder names in case the total
number of files and folders is 271 or more.
• This unit can recognize a total of 512 files,
200 folders, and 8 hierarchical levels.
• Dacă introduceţi greşit un disc în fantă, pe aşaj vor
apărea alternativ mesajele „PLEASE” (Vă rugăm) şi „EJECT”
(Ejectaţi). Apăsaţi tasta
• When a disc is inserted upside down, “PLEASE” and
“EJECT” appear alternately on the display. Press 0 to
eject the disc.
• In this manual, words “track” and “file” are
interchangeably used.
• While fast-forwarding or reversing on an MP3 or
WMA disc, you can only hear intermittent sounds.
• If you change the source while listening to a disc,
playback stops.
Next time you select “CD” as the playback source,
playback will start from where it had been stopped
• After ejecting a disc, “NO DISC” appears and you
cannot operate some of the buttons. Insert another
disc or press SRC to select another playback source.
• If the ejected disc is not removed within 15 seconds,
it is automatically inserted into the loading slot again
to protect it from dust. Playback starts automatically.
Playing a CD-R or CD-RW
• Use only “finalized” CD-Rs or CD-RWs.
• This unit can only play back files of the same type as
those detected first if a disc includes both audio CD
(CD-DA) files and MP3/WMA files.
• This unit can play back multi-session discs; however,
unclosed sessions will be skipped while playing.
• Some CD-Rs or CD-RWs may not play back on this
unit because of their disc characteristics, or for the
following reasons:
– Discs are dirty or scratched.
– Moisture condensation has occurred on the lens
inside the unit.
– The pickup lens inside the unit is dirty.
– The files on the CD-R/CD-RW are written using the
“Packet Write” method.
– There are improper recording conditions (missing
data, etc.) or media conditions (stained, scratched,
warped, etc.).
• CD-RWs may require a longer readout time since the
reflectance of CD-RWs is lower than that of regular
• Do not use the following CD-Rs or CD-RWs:
– Discs with stickers, labels, or a protective seal stuck
to the surface.
– Discs on which labels can be directly printed by an
ink jet printer.
Using these discs under high temperature or high
humidity may cause malfunctions or damage to the
Playing an MP3/WMA disc
• This unit can play back MP3/WMA files with the
extension code <.mp3> or <.wma> (regardless of
the letter case—upper/lower).
• This unit can show the names of albums, artists
(performer), and Tag (Version 1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, or
2.4) for MP3 files and for WMA files.
• This unit can display only one-byte characters. No
other characters can be correctly displayed.
• This unit can play back MP3/WMA files meeting the
conditions below:
– Bit rate of MP3: 32 kbps — 320 kbps
– Sampling frequency of MP3:
48 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz (for MPEG-1)
24 kHz, 22.05 kHz, 16 kHz (for MPEG-2)
– Bit rate of WMA:
32 kbps — 192 kbps
– Disc format: ISO 9660 Level 1/Level 2, Romeo,
Joliet, Windows long file name
• The maximum number of characters for file/folder
names vary depending on the disc format used
(includes 4 extension characters—<.mp3> or
– ISO 9660 Level 1: up to 12 characters
– ISO 9660 Level 2: up to 31 characters
– Romeo *: up to 128 characters
– Joliet *: up to 64 characters
– Windows long file name *: up to 128 characters
* The parenthetic figure is the maximum number of
characters for file/folder names in case the total
number of files and folders is 271 or more.
• This unit can recognize a total of 512 files,
200 folders, and 8 hierarchical levels.
pentru a ejecta discul.
• În acest manual, termenii „piesă” şi „şier” sunt utilizaţi cu
acelaşi sens.
• În timpul derulării rapide înainte sau înapoi a şierelor
unui disc MP3 sau WMA, se pot auzi doar sunete
• Dacă schimbaţi sursa în timpul ascultării unui disc, redarea
va întreruptă.
Următoarea dată când selectaţi CD-ul ca sursă, redarea
discului respectiv va începe de unde a fost întreruptă
• După ejectarea unui disc, va aşat mesajul „NO DISC” şi
nu veţi putea acţiona unele taste. Introduceţi alt disc sau
apăsaţi SRC (SURSĂ) pentru a selecta altă sursă de redare.
• În cazul în care discul ejectat nu este îndepărtat într-un
interval de 15 secunde, acesta va reintrodus automat în
fanta de încărcare pentru a protejat împotriva prafului.
Redarea începe automat.
Redarea unui disc CD-R sau CD-RW
• Utilizaţi doar discuri CD-R sau CD-RW „nalizate” (cu
sesiunea de înregistrare încheiată).
• Acest aparat poate reda doar şiere de acelaşi tip cu
cel care a fost identicat primul, în cazul în care un disc
conţine atât şiere CD audio (CD-DA), cât şi şiere MP3/
• Acest aparat poate reda discuri multisesiune; cu toate
acestea, sesiunile nenalizate vor ignorate în timpul
• Unele CD-R-uri sau CD-RW-uri nu pot redate de
acest aparat din cauza caracteristicilor acestora sau din
următoarele motive:
– discurile sunt murdare sau zgâriate.
– s-a produs fenomenul de condens pe lentila internă a
– lentila de citire din interiorul aparatului este murdară.
– şierele de pe CD-R/CD-RW sunt scrise prin metoda
„Packet Write”.
– condiţiile de inscripţionare au fost improprii (date
lipsă etc.) sau suportul este neadecvat (pătat, zgâriat,
deformat etc).
• Discurile CD-RW ar putea avea nevoie de un timp de citire
mai lung, pentru că indicele acestora de reexie este mai
scăzut decât cel al CD-urilor obişnuite.
• Nu utilizaţi următoarele tipuri de discuri CD-R sau CD-RW:
– discuri pe suprafaţa cărora se aă autocolante, etichete
sau pelicule protectoare.
– discuri pe suprafaţa cărora eticheta poate imprimată
direct cu ajutorul unei imprimante cu cerneală.
Utilizarea unor astfel de discuri în condiţii de temperatură şi
umiditate ridicate poate provoca defectarea sau deteriorarea
Redarea unui disc în format MP3/WMA
• Acest aparat poate reda şierele în format MP3/WMA care
au extensia <.mp3> sau <.wma> (indiferent de tipul
• Acest aparat poate aşa numele albumelor, ale artiştilor
(interpreţilor) şi elementele de identicare (versiunea
1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3 sau 2.4) pentru şierele în format MP3 şi
• Acest aparat poate aşa doar caractere de un bit. Alte
caractere nu pot aşate corespunzător.
• Acest aparat poate reda şiere în format MP3/WMA, în
cazul în care sunt îndeplinite condiţiile de mai jos:
– Rata de transfer a MP3-ului: 32 kbps — 320 kbps
– Frecvenţa de eşantionare a MP3-ului:
48 kHz, 44,1 kHz, 32 kHz (pentru MPEG-1)
24 kHz, 22,05 kHz, 16 kHz (pentru MPEG-2)
– Rata de transfer a WMA-ului:
32 kbps — 192 kbps
– Formatul discului: ISO 9660 Level 1/ Level 2, Romeo,
Joliet, nume lung de şiere în Windows
• Numărul maxim de caractere pentru denumirea şierelor/
directoarelor variază în funcţie de formatul discului
utilizat (include extensiile de 4 caractere - <.mp3> sau
– ISO 9660 Level 1: până la 12 caractere
– ISO 9660 Level 2: până la 31 de caractere
– Romeo*: până la 128 de caractere
– Joliet*: până la 64 de caractere
– Nume lung de şier în Windows*: până la 128 de
* Cifra dintre paranteze reprezintă numărul maxim de
caractere din denumirea şierelor/directoarelor, în cazul în
care numărul total al şierelor şi al directoarelor este egal
sau depăşeşte 271.
• Acest aparat recunoaşte în total 512 şiere, 200 de
directoare şi 8 niveluri ierarhice.
• When a disc is inserted upside down, “PLEASE” and
“EJECT” appear alternately on the display. Press 0 to
eject the disc.
• In this manual, words “track” and “file” are
interchangeably used.
• While fast-forwarding or reversing on an MP3 or
WMA disc, you can only hear intermittent sounds.
• If you change the source while listening to a disc,
playback stops.
Next time you select “CD” as the playback source,
playback will start from where it had been stopped
• After ejecting a disc, “NO DISC” appears and you
cannot operate some of the buttons. Insert another
disc or press SRC to select another playback source.
• If the ejected disc is not removed within 15 seconds,
it is automatically inserted into the loading slot again
to protect it from dust. Playback starts automatically.
Playing a CD-R or CD-RW
• Use only “finalized” CD-Rs or CD-RWs.
• This unit can only play back files of the same type as
those detected first if a disc includes both audio CD
(CD-DA) files and MP3/WMA files.
• This unit can play back multi-session discs; however,
unclosed sessions will be skipped while playing.
• Some CD-Rs or CD-RWs may not play back on this
unit because of their disc characteristics, or for the
following reasons:
– Discs are dirty or scratched.
– Moisture condensation has occurred on the lens
inside the unit.
– The pickup lens inside the unit is dirty.
– The files on the CD-R/CD-RW are written using the
“Packet Write” method.
– There are improper recording conditions (missing
data, etc.) or media conditions (stained, scratched,
warped, etc.).
• CD-RWs may require a longer readout time since the
reflectance of CD-RWs is lower than that of regular
• Do not use the following CD-Rs or CD-RWs:
– Discs with stickers, labels, or a protective seal stuck
to the surface.
– Discs on which labels can be directly printed by an
ink jet printer.
Using these discs under high temperature or high
humidity may cause malfunctions or damage to the
Playing an MP3/WMA disc
• This unit can play back MP3/WMA files with the
extension code <.mp3> or <.wma> (regardless of
the letter case—upper/lower).
• This unit can show the names of albums, artists
(performer), and Tag (Version 1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, or
2.4) for MP3 files and for WMA files.
• This unit can display only one-byte characters. No
other characters can be correctly displayed.
• This unit can play back MP3/WMA files meeting the
conditions below:
– Bit rate of MP3: 32 kbps — 320 kbps
– Sampling frequency of MP3:
48 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz (for MPEG-1)
24 kHz, 22.05 kHz, 16 kHz (for MPEG-2)
– Bit rate of WMA:
32 kbps — 192 kbps
– Disc format: ISO 9660 Level 1/Level 2, Romeo,
Joliet, Windows long file name
• The maximum number of characters for file/folder
names vary depending on the disc format used
(includes 4 extension characters—<.mp3> or
– ISO 9660 Level 1: up to 12 characters
– ISO 9660 Level 2: up to 31 characters
– Romeo *: up to 128 characters
– Joliet *: up to 64 characters
– Windows long file name *: up to 128 characters
* The parenthetic figure is the maximum number of
characters for file/folder names in case the total
number of files and folders is 271 or more.
• This unit can recognize a total of 512 files,
200 folders, and 8 hierarchical levels.