3 Tps for Brewng
• To extract the fullest flavor from
your coffee beans, we recom-
mend usng whole coffee beans
that have been freshly ground
each tme espresso s prepared.
• In addton to the coffee used,
usng fresh cold water that s
free of chlorne, odors and other
mpurtes wll help ensure the
perfect espresso.
• Store your espresso grounds n
an artght contaner, and n a
cool, dry place to retan the fla-
vor. Grounds should not be kept
for long perods of tme as the
flavor wll be reduced.
• Do not fll your portaflter (7) and
selected seve to the brm. Usng
the coffee scoop ncluded, use 1
level spoon (13) of grounds per
shot of espresso.
• If you do not use the machne
for more than 5 consecutve
days, rnse and dran the water
tank (3).
• Before removng the water tank
(3) to fll or empty t, always turn
the machne off.
• Always place the unt on a flat,
stable, heat-resstant work sur-
• To ensure your espresso stays
at optmum temperature, we re-
commend that you preheat your
• Before brewng, the portaflter
(7) must be turned to the rght
as tght as possble to prevent
the portaflter from loosenng
due to hgh pressure.
In order
to avoid possible
burns to body parts
and/or other injury
from hot steam and
water or damages to
the machine.
1. Never remove the water tank
(3) or the portaflter (7) wh-
le your machne s brewng
espresso or frothng mlk. The
Control Knob (5) should be n
the "O" poston before you
remove the portaflter (7) to
make addtonal cups of esp-
resso. If you need to add more
water to the tank, turn the
Control Knob to the "O" poston
and power off the machne by
pressng the Power Button (11)
on the sde of the machne so
that the blue lght s turned off.