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(EN) .............. pag. 01
(IT) ................ pag. 03
(FR) .............. pag. 05
(ES) .............. pag. 07
(DE) .............. pag. 09
(RU) ...............pag. 11
(PT) ............... pag. 13
(EL) ............... pag. 15
(NL) .............. pag. 17
(HU) .............. pag. 19
(RO) .............. pag. 21
(SV) .............. pag. 23
(DA) .............. pag. 25
(NO) .............. pag. 27
(FI) ................ pag. 29
(CS) .............. pag. 31
(SK)....... ....... pag. 33
(SL) ............... pag. 35
(HR-SR) ........ pag. 37
(LT) ............... pag. 39
(ET)....... ........ pag. 41
(LV) ............... pag. 43
(BG) .............. pag. 45
(PL) ............... pag. 47
Via Lago Maggiore, 24 - 36015 SCHIO (Vicenza) Italy
Informative note on welding mask Model TWFR.
Note: the term mask is used in the text that follows.
The mask Model TWFR is in compliance with the requirements of the EN 175 European Standard (Personal protection. Equipment for eye and
face protection during welding and allied processes) and with what is prescribed by the 89/686/EEC reference Directive.
Mask users must read, learn and respect the basic rules given in this manual.
The radiation emitted by the electric arc during welding can damage the eyes and burn the skin. In addition, welding produces sparks and drops
of molten metal that y in all directions.
The protective mask must be worn to avoid potentially serious physical damages.
Do not, for any reason, set re to the welding mask because the smoke it produces will damage the eyes and body if inhaled.
The material used to make the whole mask does not endanger people or the environment.
Regularly check the conditions of the mask:
- Before using it, make sure that the filter-glass is in the correct position and correctly fixed in place: it must be exactly in the space described.
- Keep the mask away from flames.
-The mask must not be placed too close to the welding area.
-When welding for extended periods, occasionally check the mask to make sure there are no signs of deformation or deterioration.
-Subjects with particularly sensitive skin must take extra care: materials that may come into contact with the skin can cause allergic reactions.
-Do not use replacement parts other than those original VALEX.
Unauthorized modifications and replacement parts will void the warranty and expose the operator to the risk of personal injury.
The mask must always be used to protect only the face and eyes during welding. It was, in fact, designed to guarantee maximum protection
during welding, to be easy to assemble, comfortable to wear and of top quality when used.
After using the mask and before putting it away after working, it must be checked to verify integrity and to eliminate any drops of molten metal
that may be present on the vision lter, which can reduce visibility.
The mask must be stored in a way that does not allow its dimensions to deform permanently or its protective vision lter to break.
Clean and disinfect the mask using only water and soap, or if necessary products that do not contain solvents. Using chemical solvents ruins the
mask, and can totally reduce its integrity.
Taking good care of the mask reduces its obsolescence to a minimum, both as regards use and components.
The mask is supplied with a lter-glass marked CE having a dark shade of 11. Use the masks with lter for welding and cutting processes only
using current intervals indicated in tab. 1 according to level number 11.
The lter is in compliance with the EN 166:2001 “Personal eye protection - Specications” and the EN 169:2002 “Personal eye-
protection. Filters for welding and related techniques. Transmittance requirements and recommended use” Standards.
To use it correctly, operators who purchase this mask must:
- Make sure that the lter surfaces do not show signs of scoring, cuts, knocks or any other thing that could obstacle correct vision.
To preserve it correctly, the lter should be kept in an environment that does not contain organic vapours and at a temperature of between +
5° and + 30°.
To carry out maintenance correctly, the user must:
- Regularly clean the lter after it is used, rinsing it immediately with the cleaning liquid.
As regards cleaning, the user must follow these instructions:
- never clean the mask in direct sunlight;
- use absorbent cloths or soft non-scratch textiles to dry the lter;
- use warm water and neutral soap or, alternatively, any conventional lter cleaner as a cleaning liquid;
- never use abrasive or very alkaline cleaners;
Using a higher dark shade does not guarantee greater protection, but could force the operator to remain too close to the radiation source and
breathe in harmful smoke.
If using the lter causes a feeling of discomfort, the working conditions and the operator’s eyesight must be checked.
When working in the open air under strong natural light, it is possible to use a protection lter with the next-up dark shade number.
The lter, which is made of hardened adiactinic glass, can break if allowed to fall from heights of less than one meter and following accidental
knocks against corners or edges, which can happen if users rotate their heads suddenly. The lter must be used in combination with suitable
coverings and inner and outer protection shields of the same dimensions. We recommend using inner and outer protection shields made of
plastic, anti-knock material, preferably polycarbonate.
When replacing the lter, the coverings and the inner and outer protection shields refer to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer of the
welding face guard or the associated hand welding screens. The operator who carries out replacement operations must have clean hands or
wear non-abrasive gloves.
To avoid damages during transport or storage, we recommend keeping the lter in its original packaging.
If the previously indicated cleaning instructions are scrupulously followed, the lter will not deteriorate excessively under normal use conditions.