‑ 11 ‑ EN
1. This safety seat is intended for weight categories (groups) 0+, I, II
i III, which means that it can be used by children whose weight does
not exceed 36 kg (aged up to 11).
0+ weight group: 0-13kg
I weight group: 9-18kg
II weight group: 15-25kg
III weight group: 22-36kg
The safety seat is intended for vehicles equipped with 3-point
safety seats granted a cercate of approval in accordance with
the Regulaons no. 16 ECG/UN or other equivalent standards.
Applies to rear-facing installaons only: Do not place the safety seat
on the front passenger’s seat when the passenger’s airbag is acve.
All safety seat belts must be ght, adapted to child’s body and must
not be twisted.
All lap belts must be carried low so that the child’s pelvis is properly supported.
Buckles must be done up properly and securely. In case of emergency,
a proper assembly of buckles lets you take the child out of the safety
seat easily.
The device must be replaced if subject to rapid loads during accident.
8. Do not modify the product in any way.
Avoid situaons in which the safety seat is exposed to direct sunlight.
Otherwise it may heat up and in eect cause the child to scald itself.
Do not leave the child in the safety seat unaended. Make sure
the luggage and other items which may lead to injuries in case of
accident have been secured.
Do not use the safety seat without material cover. Do not replace
the cover with other than recommended by the manufacturer. The
cover is an integral part of the safety seat.
12. The safety seat must be used in the car only.
13. It is forbidden to place any items on the child’s safety seat.
Hard elements and plasc parts of the child holding device must be
placed and installed in a way that they are not trapped by a movable
seat and vehicle door during regular operaon of the vehicle.
Before every travel, make sure the safety seat has been properly
and securely mounted.