2. Press the power buon to switch the unit on or o. When switched on, the
funcon indicators will illuminate on the screen.
3. Only pour dislled water into the appliance. The use of tap water can cause
large-scale accumulaons.
4. Select one of the possible funcons:
a. Quick heat: Pour in approximately 500 ml of water, then insert a bole
or jar of food and replace the lid. Press the quick heat funcon buon
and set the temperature between 35°C–40°C, the default temperature is
40°C. The appliance will start the accelerated heang mode. Once heated
to the set temperature, the heater will switch o but will connue to give
o heat, so the actual temperature may dier from the set temperature
by up to ~10°C. If you want a stable heang temperature, use the milk
heang funcon. Check the temperature of the warmed food before
giving it to your baby. Once warming is complete, press the power buon
or quick warm again to put the unit into sleep mode or disconnect the
steriliser from the power supply.
b. Temperature maintenance: Pour between 300 and 500 ml of water,
then insert the bole, pouch or jar of food and replace the lid. Press
the modied milk funcon buon and set the temperature between
40°C–65°C, the default temperature is 45°C. When nished heang,
press the power buon or reheat modied milk to put the unit into sleep
mode or disconnect the steriliser from the power supply.
c. Heang the milk: Pour in between 300 and 500 ml of water, then insert
a bole, pouch or jar of breastmilk and replace the lid. Press the milk
warming funcon buon and set the temperature between 35°C–45°C,
the default temperature is 40°C. When heang is complete, press the
power buon or the milk reheat buon to put the unit into sleep mode
or unplug the steriliser.
d. Defrosng: pour in between 300 and 500 ml of water, then insert a
bole, pouch or jar of food and replace the lid. Press the defrost funcon
buon and set the temperature between 25°C–40°C, the default tempe-
rature is 35°C. Aer 30 minutes, the appliance will go into a 40°C keep
warm state. If you want a constant temperature use the Milk Warm-up
mode. Once heang is complete, press the power buon or the defrost
buon again to put the unit into sleep mode or unplug the steriliser.
e. Sterilisaon: Pour in the correct amount of water according to the selec-
ted programme, then place the boles on the bole holder and insert
them into the machine. SEE FIG B Press the disinfecon funcon buon
and select one of the three modes.
• Mode for plasc boles, pour in 100–120 ml of water. Duraon: 18
minutes, the machine heats the water for 15 minutes and for the next