Unable to
install the
Please check the mobile phone storage
If the storage space is not enough, please
delete some useless software or document.
Please check the mobile phone system
Please close the background operating
program and restart the mobile phone.
Unable to
connect at
the first
Please double check the mobile phone is
correctly link to the Wi-Fi.
Please re-connect to the Wi-Fi.
Please double check the WI-FI signal is
Please put the product and mobile phone in
the place with stronger WI-FI signal.
Please double check the connecting WI-FI in
the setting interface is the same WI-FI the
mobile phone is connecting. And make sure
the WI-FI password is correct.
Please re-type the WI-FI password.
Please check the WI-FI SSID and password
did not use the special character.
Please change the special character to
English or normal keyboard character.
Please check the WI-FI indicator on the
heater is quick flickering or not.
Please re-long press the WI-FI button till it's
quick flickering.
unable to
Please double check the mobile phone and
the heater are connecting is the same WI-FI.
Please close the mobile phone data
Please re-connect the mobile phone WI-FI,
which should be the same WI-FI as the
heater is connecting.
Please check the Heater WI-FI indicator is
long bright.
If the WI-FI indicator is slow-flickering or
quick flickering, please re-connect it.
Please make sure one mobile phone is able
to connect, then use another mobile phone
to open the APP, you should see the device
with a little hand icon at side. And the
default password is 123456.
Please check the app's network permission is
shut off or not.
Please check the safety manager software,
whether the WI-FI APP's network
permission is shut off or not, And please
close the other background operating
Please check the APP is the latest version or
Please re-install the APP, and close the
other background operating programs.
the mobile
is unable to
control the
Please check the WI-FI signal is effective or
Please move the product and mobile phone
to the place with stronger WI-FI signal.
Please check the WI-FI is operating smoothly
or not.
Please re-start the WI-FI router, and try to
contact your network manager to reset it.
Please check the heater is plugged on or not.
Please plug on and check.
Please check the heater place, make sure the
WI-FI signal there is effective.
Please move the heater to somewhere with
effective WI-FI signal.
Please check the WI-FI indicator on the
heater is long bright or not.
Please re-connect the mobile phone to the
Please check the WI-FI signal is effective or
Please put the product and mobile phone in
the place with stronger WI-FI signal.
Please check the app's network permission is
shut off or not.
Open the network permission.
Please log out the APP and close the
unnecessary background operating programs.