Grundig HM 7140 Hand Mixer Manual de utilizare

  • Am citit documentul și sunt gata să vă ajut cu informații despre mixerul de mână Grundig HM 7140. Acesta este un manual de utilizare, care vă oferă instrucțiuni despre cum să folosești corect dispozitivul, cum să îl cureți, despre ingredientele și cantitățile indicate pentru a obține rezultatele dorite.
  • Pentru ce tipuri de alimente este potrivit acest mixer?
    Cât timp pot folosi funcția de bătut continuu?
    Pot folosi paletele de amestecat și cele pentru frământat împreună?
    Pot curăța mixerul în mașina de spălat vase?
User Manual
HM 7140
Hand Mixer
DE - EN - RO - RU - HR - EL
Please read this guide first!
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing a GRUNDIG product. We would like you to achieve
the optimal efficiency from this high quality product which has been manu-
factured with state of the art technology. Please make sure you read and
understand this guide and supplementary documentation fully before use
and keep it as a reference. Include this guide with the unit if you hand it over
to someone else. Observe all warnings and information herein and follow the
Symbols and their meanings
These symbols are used throughout this guide:
CImportant information and recommendations regarding the use
of the appliance.
AWARNING: Warnings on personal injury
or property damage.
Suitable for contact with food.
Do not immerse the appliance, the power cord or the plug in water or
in any other liquids.
Electric shock protection rating
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1 Important safety and environmental
This section contains safety instructions to prevent
hazards that can result in injury or property damage.
Any warranty is void if these instructions are not
1.1 General safety
This appliance complies with international safety
For the appliance to be used by persons with limited
physical, emotional, or mental capacity or lacking
knowledge and experience, such person must be
supervised and have understood the instructions
about the safe usage of the appliance and potential
risks. Children should not tamper with the device.
Cleaning and user maintenance operations should
not be carried out by children.
This appliance cannot be used by children.
Store the appliance and its power cord out of the
reach of children.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced
by the manufacturer or its agent or similarly
qualified person in order to avoid hazard.
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1 Important safety and environmental
Unplug the appliance when it is left unattended,
during attaching/removing accessories, and
Use only original parts or parts recommended by
the manufacturer.
Do not disassemble the appliance.
Your mains power supply shall be in align with the
specified information on the type tag.
Do not use the appliance with an extension cord.
Do not unplug the appliance by pulling on the cord.
Unplug the appliance before cleaning, disassembly,
accessory fitting and wait until it is completely
Do not touch the plug of the appliance while your
hands are damp or wet.
Do not use the appliance for hot foods.
To avoid damage on the appliance, remove bones
and seeds from foods.
The appliance is not suitable for dry and hard foods.
To prevent overheating, do not use the beater
function continuously for more than 5 minutes.
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1 Important safety and environmental
Between each 5 minutes of use, leave the appliance
to cooling for 20 minutes.
Follow each instruction to prevent injuries caused
by misuse.
After cleaning, dry the appliance and every part
before plugging in and attaching the parts.
Do not immerse the appliance, the power cord or
the plug in water or in any other liquids.
Do not use the appliance or its parts on or near hot
surfaces or put them on such surfaces.
If you keep the packaging materials, keep them out
of the reach of children.
Always use the appliance on a stable, flat, clean
and dry surface.
This appliance is intended to be used in household
and similar applications such as:
- staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other
working environments,
- farm houses, by clients in hotels, motels and other
residential type environments,
- bed and breakfast type environments
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1 Important safety and environmental
Do not squeeze or bend the power cord and do
not rub in on sharp edges in order to prevent any
damage. Keep the cord away from hot surfaces and
open flames.
Before using the appliance for the first time, clean
all parts carefully which come into contact with
food. Please see full details in the “Cleaning ”
Do not touch any moving parts of the appliance.
Do not attach or remove the parts until the device
comes to a complete stop.
1.2 Compliance with the WEEE Regulations and Waste
This product complies with EU WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU). This product
bears a classification symbol for waste electrical and electronic equipment
This symbol indicates that this product shall not be disposed
with other household wastes at the end of its service life. Used
device must be returned to offical collection point for recycling
of electrical and electronic devices. To find these collection
systems please contact to your local authorities or retailer
where the product was puchased. Each household performs important
role in recovering and recycling of old appliance. Appropriate disposal of
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1 Important safety and environmental
used appliance helps prevent potential negative consequences for the
environment and human health.
1.3 Compliance with RoHS Directive
The product you have purchased complies with EU RoHS Directive
(2011/65/EU). It does not contain harmful and prohibited materials
specified in the Directive.
1.4 Packaging information
The product's packaging is made of recyclable materials, in
accordance with the National Legislation. Do not dispose the
packaging waste with the household waste or other wastes,
dispose it to the packaging collection areas specified by local
1.5 What to do for energy saving
Follow the times recommended in the manual during use. Unplug the cord
of appliance after use.
2.1 Overview
2 Your blender
1. Motor unit
2. Accessory inlets
3. Accessory release button
4. Speed setting button
5. TURBO button
6. Beaters (6a/6b)
7. Dough hooks (7a/7b)
2.2 Technical Data
Voltage: 220-240 V~, 50-60 Hz
Power: 500 W
The rights to make technical and
design changes are reserved.
The values provided with the appliance or its accompanying documents are laboratory readings in accordance
with the respective standards. These values may differ depending on the use and ambient conditions.
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2 Operation
2.1 Intended use
The appliance is intended for home use only, it is not suitable for
professional use.
2.2 First operation
Clean the parts of the appliance before the first use.
2.3 Beater / Mixer
Insert beaters (6) or knead-
ing hooks (7) into the inlets
for beater (5) or kneading
hook until they settle.
Plug in the power cord.
Put the beaters (6) and the
kneading hooks (7) into the
batter before turning on the
stick blender.
Speed setting is between 1
and 4. Increase the speed
starting from level 1.
Do not use the beater and dough
hooks together.
When mixing ingredients, start with a lower speed. Foods may
spatter around if you start with high speed.
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When the process is com-
pleted, leave the speed set-
ting button at “0” position.
Wait until your appliance is
completely stopped. Unplug
and remove the beater/mixer
accessories from the batter.
You can remove the beat-
er and mixer accessories by
pushing the accessory re-
lease button (3) when the
power button is on “0” po-
2.3.1 Beaters
By using beaters, you can prepare light batter mixture, eggs, egg whites,
whipping cream, mayonnaise, puree, creams, sauces and pudding
Always use both beaters.
Teflon coated containers may be scratched.
Use it to beat liquid ingredients like cake batter, sauce, soup.
2.3.2 Dough Hooks
By using dough hooks, you can prepare heavy yeast dough and pastry
dough, such as potato dough for making potato dumplings and potato
Always use both dough hooks.
Teflon coated containers may be scratched.
Use it for dough kneading.
2 Operation
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2 Operation
2.4 TURBO button
Push and hold the TURBO button when you need sudden high speed, and
unhold when you no longer need.
Do not use the TURBO feature for
longer than 1 minute.
2.5 Maximum quantities and processing time
Food Type Weight Operation
Maltose 350 g
15 s Turbo
Oats 100 g
Honey 100 g
Wheat flour 100 g
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3 Recipes
Cake Recipe
3 Eggs
150 g butter
150 g white sugar
150 g wheat flour
3 g dry yeast
Separate egg whites and yolks.
Pour the egg whites into a mixing bowl and attach the mixer accessory of your
appliance. Beat the egg whites for 1 to 2.5 minutes on speed level 3.
Dice the butter into 20 mm pieces.
Add the butter, sugar, and egg yolks to the bowl and mix for 1 to 2.5 minutes on
speed level 3.
In a different bowl mix the wheat flour and dry yeast. Add the dry ingredients to the
egg mixture and beat for 1 to 2.5 minutes on speed 3.
Pour the batter into a cake pan and bake in a preheated 200°C oven until it’s gold
on top. Enjoy!
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3 Recipes
Cookie Recipe
350 g maltose
100 g oats
100 g honey
100 g wheat flour
Put the honey, Maltose, Wheat flour, Oats ito the cup, choose the beatters and ru
the appliance user setting Turbo for 15 s.
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Bread Recipe
350 g wheat flour
5 g salt
10 g white sugar
10 g butter
200 g water
3 g dry yeast
Mix flour, salt and sugar in a mixing bowl.
Add dry yeast, butter and water to the mixture.
Attach the dough hook and mix the ingredients for 10 to 15 seconds on speed
level 1. Then, set the speed to 3 and continue mixing for 20 to 30 seconds.
Set the speed to 4 and continue mixing for 2,5 to 3,5 minutes.
Rest the dough on a 35 °C environment for 45 minutes.
Then, shape the dough to your preference and place on a baking tray. Bake it on
a 180 °C preheated oven until it’s golden on top. Enjoy!
Please do not knead food that contains
more than 350 grams of flour in this
appliance. More flour may cause
overloading of the appliance.
3 Recipes
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4 Cleaning and maintenance
4.1 Cleaning
Do not use benzene, solvents, abrasive cleaners, metal objects
or hard brushes to clean the appliance.
Turn the appliance off and
unplug it. Wait for the ap-
pliance to completely cool
- Use a soft, damp cloth to
clean the engine unit.
You may clean the beaters
(6) and dough hooks using
some dish washing soap
and hot water or in dish-
washer. Afterwards, com-
pletely dry each part.
Beaters and dough hooks are dishwasher-safe.
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4 Cleaning and maintenance
4.2 Storage
If you do not intend to use the appliance for a long time, store it carefully.
Unplug the appliance before putting away.
Store the appliance in a cool dry place.
Store the appliance and its cord out of the reach of children.
4.3 Transport and shipping
During transport and shipping, carry the appliance with its original
packaging. The packaging of the appliance will protect the appliance
against physical damage.
Do not put heavy objects on the appliance or its packaging. Otherwise
the appliance may be damaged.
If the appliance is dropped, the appliance may not operate or permanent
damage may occur.
Vă rugăm citiți mai întâi acest ghid!
Stimate client,
Vă mulțumim că ați ales un produs GRUNDIG. Dorim să obțineți eficiența
optimă de la acest produs de înaltă calitate fabricat cu tehnologie de ultimă
generație. Vă rugăm să citiți și să înțelegeți integral acest ghid și documentația
suplimentară înainte de utilizare și să îl păstrați ca referință. Includeți
acest ghid împreună cu unitatea dacă o predați altcuiva. Respectați toate
avertismentele și informațiile din acest document și urmați instrucțiunile.
Simboluri și semnificațiile lor
Aceste simboluri sunt utilizate în prezentul ghid:
CInformații și recomandări importante privind utilizarea aparatului.
AAVERTIZARE: Avertismente privind
vătămarea corporală sau daunele
Adecvat pentru contactul cu alimentele.
Nu imersați aparatul, cablul de alimentare sau ștecherul de alimentare
în apă sau în alte lichide.
Clasa de protecție la electrocutare
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1 Instrucțiuni importante privind siguranța
și mediul
Această secțiune conține instrucțiuni de siguranță
pentru prevenirea pericolelor care pot cauza vătămări
corporale sau daune materiale.
Orice garanție este nulă dacă aceste instrucțiuni nu
sunt respectate.
1.1 Siguranță generală
Acest aparat este conform cu standardele
internaționale de siguranță.
Acest aparat poate fi utilizat de persoane cu
capacități fizice, senzoriale sau mentale reduse sau
care nu au experiență și cunoștințe despre produs,
cu condiția să fie supravegheate sau instruite cu
privire la utilizarea în siguranță a produsului și la
riscurile pe care le implică acesta. Copiii nu trebuie
să se joace cu aparatul. Curățarea și operațiunile
de întreținere nu trebuie realizate de copii.
Acest aparat nu poate fi utilizat de copii.
Depozitați aparatul și cablul său de alimentare
într-un loc inaccesibil copiilor.
În cazul în care cablul de alimentare electrică este
deteriorat, acesta trebuie înlocuit de producător,
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Mixer manual / Manual de utilizare
1 Instrucțiuni importante privind siguranța
și mediul
reprezentantul său de service sau persoane cu
calificări similare pentru evita orice pericol.
Deconectați aparatul când este lăsat
nesupravegheat, în timp ce atașați/demontați
accesoriile și când îl curățați.
Utilizați doar componente originale sau componente
recomandate de către producător.
Nu dezasamblați aparatul.
Sursa dumneavoastră de alimentare trebuie să fie
conformă cu informațiile specificate pe eticheta de
Nu utilizați aparatul cu un prelungitor.
Nu deconectați aparatul prin tragerea de cablu.
Scoateți aparatul din priză înainte de curățare,
dezasamblare, montarea accesoriilor și așteptați
oprirea completă a acestuia.
Nu atingeți ștecherul aparatului dacă aveți mâinile
umede sau ude.
Nu utilizați aparatul pentru alimente fierbinți.
Pentru a evita deteriorarea aparatului, îndepărtați
oasele și semințele din alimente.
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1 Instrucțiuni importante privind siguranța
și mediul
Aparatul nu este potrivit pentru alimente uscate și
Pentru a preveni supraîncălzirea, nu utilizați funcția
de bătut continuu mai mult de 5 minute. După
fiecare 5 minute de utilizare, lăsați aparatul să se
răcească timp de 20 minute.
Urmați fiecare instrucțiune pentru a preveni daunele
cauzate de utilizarea incorectă.
După curățare, uscați aparatul și toate componentele
înainte de a conecta și atașa piesele.
Nu imersați aparatul, cablul de alimentare sau
ștecherul de alimentare în apă sau în alte lichide.
Nu utilizați aparatul sau componentele acestuia pe
sau lângă suprafețe fierbinți și nu îl așezați pe astfel
de suprafețe.
Dacă păstrați materialele de ambalare, depozitați-le
în locuri inaccesibile copiilor.
Folosiți aparatul întotdeauna pe o suprafață sigură,
dreaptă, curată și uscată.
Acest echipament este conceput pentru a fi folosit
în utilizări casnice sau similare, precum: