Configure the instrument settings
1. Push , then push Setup.
2. Select an option.
Option Description
Location Sets the location name of the instrument. The location is sent with measurements to the
USB drive. The location is not saved to the data log.
Date & Time Sets the date format, the time format and the date and time. Enter the current date and
time. Date Format—Sets the date format. Options: dd-mm-yyyy (default), yyyy-mm-dd,
dd-mm-yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. Time Format—Sets the time format. Options: 12 or
24 hours (default).
Security Enables or disables password protection for the settings and tasks in the security list.
Security Password—Sets or changes the security (administrator) password
(10 characters maximum). Passwords are case sensitive. Security List—Sets the
security level for each setting and task in the security list.
• Off—All operators can change the setting or do the task.
• One key—Only operators with a one-key or two-key security level can change the
setting or do the task. Refer to Add operator IDs on page 12.
• Two keys—Only operators with a two-key security level can change the setting or do
the task.
Note: The Security setting is not set to on until Close is pushed.
Sound Settings Enables or disables the sound settings for individual events. To enable or disable all of
the sound settings, select All and then push Setup.
Peripherals Shows the connection status of attached devices such as a printer, USB memory (flash
drive) or keyboard.
Sets when the instrument is automatically set to sleep mode or off after a period of no
activity. Sleep Timer—Sets when the instrument is set to sleep mode. Options: OFF,
30 minutes, 1 (default), 2 or 12 hours.
Configure the measurement settings
Select the reading mode, measurement units, data log settings and more.
1. At the main reading screen, push Options>Reading Setup.
2. Select an option.
Option Description
Sets the reading mode to single, continuous or RST mode. Single (default)—The
measurement stops when the reading is stable. Continuous—The measurement continues
until the user pushes Done. RST—The Rapidly Settling Turbidity (RST) mode calculates and
continuously updates the turbidity reading of the sample to a confidence of 95%, based on the
accumulated trend of the real time measured values. The RST mode is best used on samples
that settle rapidly and continuously change in value. The reading is based on a correctly
prepared sample that is homogeneous at the beginning of the reading. It is best applied to
samples that are greater than 20 NTU. The sample must be mixed thoroughly by inversion
immediately before inserting it into the instrument. Signal Avg—The turbidity reading that
shows on the display is an average of the values measured during the time interval selected.
Options: For single measurement mode, 5 to 15 seconds. For continuous measurement mode,
5 to 90 seconds.
Unit Selects the measurement units that show on the display and that are recorded to the data log.
Options: NTU (default), FNU.
English 11