H3C MSR810, MSR 930 MSR 810 Safety Manual

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H3C MSR 810 Routers Compliance and
Safety Manual
Compliance and Safety Manual
Сəйкестік жəне қауіпсіздік ережелері
жөнінде нұсқаулық
Руководство по соблюдению требований и
Посібник із техніки безпеки та нормативних
BOM: 3122A0GP
Document version: 5PW101-20190314
New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.
Copyright © 2019, New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. and its licensors
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No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means without prior written consent of New H3C Technologies Co.,
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their respective owners.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. All
contents in this document, including statements, information, and
recommendations, are believed to be accurate, but they are presented
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Environmental protection
This product has been designed to comply with the environmental
protection requirements. The storage, use, and disposal of this product
must meet the applicable national laws and regulations.
Safety Information/Sicherheits informationen/安全信
/安全情報/안전 정보/Informations relatives à la
sécurité/ Informazioni di sicurezza/ Información de
seguridad/Informações de segurança/ 
 /  /
  / Güvenlik Bilgileri 1
Présentation/Panoramica/Descripción general/Visão
geral//// Genel Bakı ········································· 1
Warning Symbol Conventions/ Erläuterung der Symbole/应用惯例/
本書で使用されている規約/사용되는규칙/ Conventions
utilisées/Convenzioni utilizzate/
Convenciones empleadas/Convenções utilizadas/
   /
/ / Geleneksel Uyarı Sembolleri 5
Important Safety Information/Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise/重要安
全信息/重要な安全情報/중요한 안전 정보/Informations importantes
relatives à la sécurité/Informazioni di sicurezza
importanti/ Información importante de seguridad/Informações de
segurança importantes/  
 /  /
  / Önemli Güvenlik Bilgileri ······· 10
Electricity Safety/Elektrische Sicherheit/用电安全/電気面の安全/전기
안전/Sécurité électrique/Sicurezza elettrica/Seguridad
eléctrica/Segurança elétrica/ /
/ / Elektrik Güvenlii · 33
Hazardous Voltage/Gefährliche Spannungen /危险电压/危険電圧
/위험 전압/ Tension dangereuse/ Tensione pericolosa/ Tensión
peligrosa/ Tensión peligrosa /  /
/ / Tehlikeli Voltaj ················· 33
Regulatory Compliance Information ·················· 35
Regulatory compliance standards ·············································· 35
European Directives compliance ················································ 36
Japan regulatory compliance ···················································· 39
VCCI ············································································· 39
EN55032, AS/NZS CISPR 32, CISPR32 compliance ····················· 40
Eurasian Economic Commission/ 
/  /
  ································································· 40
Korea RF Compliance ····························································· 40
Korea Compliance ·································································· 41
Taiwan regulatory statement ····················································· 41
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) ······················· 42
English recycling notice ····················································· 42
Bulgarian recycling notice ·················································· 42
Czech recycling notice ······················································ 43
Danish recycling notice ····················································· 43
Dutch recycling notice ······················································· 44
Estonian recycling notice ··················································· 44
Finnish recycling notice ····················································· 45
French recycling notice ····················································· 45
German recycling notice ···················································· 46
Greek recycling notice ······················································ 46
Hungarian recycling notice ················································· 47
Italian recycling notice ······················································· 47
Latvian recycling notice ····················································· 48
Lithuanian recycling notice ················································· 48
Polish recycling notice ······················································ 49
Portuguese recycling notice ··············································· 49
Romanian recycling notice ················································· 50
Slovak recycling notice ······················································ 50
Spanish recycling notice ···················································· 51
Swedish recycling notice ··················································· 51
Taiwan Battery Recycle Label ··················································· 52
RoHS material content declarations ············································ 52
Turkey RoHS material content declaration ···························· 52
India RoHS material content declaration ······························· 52
Taiwan BSMI RoHS table ·················································· 52
Perchlorate material — Special handling may apply ················ 53
European Union Commission Regulation 1275/2008 ······················ 54
List of Tables
Table 1 Safety symbol and description/Sicherheitssymbole und
Beschreibung/安全标识和描述/安全記号と説明/안전 기호
설명/Symbole de sécurité et de Description/Simbolo di sicurezza
e la Descrizione/Símbolo de seguridad y Descripción/Símbolo de
segurança e da Descrição/   
/   
/    / Güvenlik sembolü ve
ıklaması ................................................................................... 7
Table 2 Regulatory compliance standards ....................................... 35
Table 3 Equipment may be operated in the following country: ........ 36
Safety Information/Sicherheits
/안전 정보/Informations relatives à
la sécurité/ Informazioni di
sicurezza/ Información de
seguridad/Informações de
segurança/  
/ 
/ 
 / Güvenlik
general/Visão geral////
Genel Bakı
Before any operation is performed, please read the operation
instructions and precautions carefully to minimize the possibility of
accidents. The Note, Caution, Warning and Danger items in other
manuals do not cover all safety precautions that should be followed.
They are only the supplements to the safety precautions for
operations as a whole.
When installing / operating the product, the precautions and special
safety instructions provided with the products must be followed in full.
Lesen Sie sich vor der Inbetriebnahme die Betriebsanleitung und
die Hinweise zu Vorsichtsmaßnahmen sorgfältig durch, um die
Wahrscheinlichkeit von Unfällen zu minimieren. Die unter Hinweis,
Achtung, Warnung und Gefahr genannten Informationen in
anderen Handbüchern umfassen nicht sämtliche
Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, die Sie ergreifen sollten.
册和本章节的安全规范。手册中 出现的说明、注意、警告、危险,
작업을 수행하기 전에 작업 지침 주의사항을 읽고 사고의 가능성을
최소화하십시오. 다른 설명서의 참고, 주의, 경고 위험 항목에서는
준수해야 하는 모든 안전 관련 주의사항을 다루지 않습니다. 이러한
항목은 작업을 참조해야 하는 전체적인 안전 관련 주의사항에
대한 보충 설명일 뿐입니다.
제품을 설치/작동할 때는 제품과 함께 제공된 주의사항 특별 안전
지침을 모두 준수하십
Avant toute opération, veuillez lire attentivement les consignes et
précautions relatives au fonctionnement pour réduire le risque
d'accidents. Les éléments Remarque, Attention, Avertissement
et Danger dans les autres manuels ne couvrent pas toutes les
précautions de sécurité qui doivent être respectées. Ils ne font que
compléter les précautions de sécurité pour les opérations en général.
Lors de l'installation / l'utilisation du produit, les précautions et
consignes spécifiques de sécurité fournies avec les produits doivent
être respectées entièrement.
Prima di eseguire qualsiasi operazione, leggere attentamente le
relative istruzioni e precauzioni per ridurre al minimo la possibilità di
incidenti. Gli elementi Nota, Avvertenza, Attenzione e Pericolo in
altri manuali non trattano tutte le precauzioni di sicurezza che è
necessario adottare. Si tratta esclusivamente di integrazioni alle
precauzioni di sicurezza sul funzionamento nel suo complesso.
Durante l'installazione/l'utilizzo del prodotto, le precauzioni e le
istruzioni speciali per la sicurezza fornite con i prodotti devono essere
rispettate in toto.
Antes de llevar a cabo cualquier operación, lea las instrucciones
de funcionamiento y las precauciones detenidamente para minimizar
la posibilidad de accidentes. Las palabras Nota, Precaución,
Advertencia y Peligro en otros manuales no cubren todas las
precauciones de seguridad que deben seguirse. Son solamente los
complementos para las precauciones de seguridad con respecto al
funcionamiento en su totalidad.
Al instalar y utilizar el producto, deben seguirse plenamente las
precauciones e instrucciones de seguridad especiales suministradas
con los productos.
Antes de executar qualquer operação, leia cuidadosamente as
instruções de operação e de precaução para minimizar a
possibilidade de acidentes. Os itens Nota, Cuidado, Aviso e Perigo
em outros manuais não cobrem todas as precauções de segurança
que deveriam ser seguidas. Eles são somente adendos de
precauções de segurança para as operações como um todo.
Ao instalar / operar o produto, as precauções e as instruções
especiais de segurança fornecidas com os produtos devem ser
totalmente seguidas.
   ,  
      
.      
    ,
,     .
      
 /   
      
  .
     
  ,  
   . 
 «», «», «»
«»      
,   . 
      
  .
    
 
    
 ,  .
     ,  
  ,    .
,      
"", "", ""  "!", 
      ,   .
    ,  
  
       
      .
Kaza riskini en aza indirmek için, lütfen herhangi bir ilem yapmadan
önce çalıtırma talimatlarını ve önlemleri dikkatle okuyun. Dier el
kitaplarında yer alan Not, Dikkat, Uyarı ve Tehlike öeleri, uyulması
gereken tüm güvenlik önlemlerini kapsamamaktadır. Bunlar yalnızca,
tüm çalıtırma faaliyetleri için alınacak önlemleri tamamlayıcı
Ürünlerin kurulumu yapılırken ve çalıtırılırken, ürünlerle birlikte
verilen önlemler ve özel güvenlik talimatlarına tam olarak uyulmalıdır.
Warning Symbol Conventions/ Erläuterung
der Symbole/应用惯例/本書で使用されている
規約/사용되는규칙/ Conventions
utilisées/Convenzioni utilizzate/
Convenciones empleadas/Convenções
utilizadas/ 
  /
/ /
Geleneksel Uyarı Sembolleri
The symbols in this manual are shown in the following table. They are used
to remind the reader of the safety precautions during equipment
installation and maintenance.
Die in diesem Handbuch verwendeten Symbole sind in der folgenden
Tabelle dargestellt. Diese Symbole sollen das Personal während der
Installation und Instandhaltung der Ausrüstung an die Wichtigkeit der
im Handbuch aufgeführten Sicherheitsvorschriften erinnern.
아래 표에는 설명서에서 사용되는 기호가 표시되어 있습니다. 이러한
기호는 장치 설치 유지 보수 중에 안전 예방책을 상기시키는
Le tableau suivant répertorie les symboles utilisés dans ce manuel. Ils
servent de rappel lors des opérations d'installation et de maintenance.
I simboli contenuti in questo manuale vengono illustrati nella tabella
seguente. Vengono utilizzati per ricordare ai lettori l’esistenza delle
precauzioni di sicurezza da adottare durante l’installazione e la
manutenzione dell’apparecchiatura.
Los símbolos empleados en este manual se presentan en la tabla
siguiente. Se usan para recordar al lector las precauciones de seguridad
durante la instalación y el mantenimiento del equipo.
Os símbolos deste manual são mostrados na tabela a seguir. Eles são
usados para lembrar o leitor das precauções de segurança durante
a instalação e manutenção do equipamento.
      .
       
 
     .
   ,  
.  ,    
,     
  .
     ,  
 .      ,
       .
Bu el kitabında yer alan semboller, aaıdaki tabloda gösterilmitir. Bu
semboller, ekipmanın kurulumunda ve bakımında uygulanacak güvenlik
önlemlerini okuyucuya hatırlatmak için kullanılmaktadır.
Table 1 Safety symbol and description/Sicherheitssymbole und
Beschreibung/安全标识和描述/安全記号と説明/안전 기호
설명/Symbole de sécurité et de Description/Simbolo di sicurezza e la
Descrizione/Símbolo de seguridad y Descripción/Símbolo de
segurança e da Descrição/    /
   /   
/ Güvenlik sembolü ve açıklaması
Safety Symbol
안전 기호
Symbole de sécurité
Simbolo di sicurezza
Símbolo de seguridad
Símbolo de seguranç
 
 
 
Güvenlik Sembolü
Generic alarm symbol: To suggest a general
safety concern.
Alarm: Hinweis auf ein generelles
일반 경보 기호: 일반적인 안전 관련 사안을
Symbole d'alarme générique : indique un
problème de sécurité générale.
Simbolo generico di allarme: indica un problema
generale di sicurezza.
Símbolo de alarma general: Hace referencia a
una cuestión de seguridad general.
Símbolo de aviso genérico: Para indicar
preocupação de segurança geral.
  :  
 .
  . 
  .
 :   
,    .
Genel alarm sembolü: Genel bir güvenlik
endiesini gösterir.
ESD protection symbol: To suggest
electrostatic-sensitive equipment.
ESD-Schutz: Hinweis auf ESD-gefährdete
ESD 保護に関する記号:静電気に弱い装置である
ESD 보호 기호: 정전기에 민감한 장치를 알려
Protection contre les décharges
électrostatiques : indique la présence
d'éléments sensibles à l'électricité statique.
Simbolo di protezione ESD: indica
apparecchiature sensibili alle scariche
Símbolo de protección contra descargas
electrostáticas: Hace referencia a equipos
sensibles a las descargas electrostáticas.
Símbolo de proteção ESD: Para indicar
equipamento sensível à eletricidade estática.
   :
  (ESD) 
 .
   
. ,  
  .
   :  
,    .
ESD koruma sembolü: Elektrostatie d
ekipmanı gösterir.
Electric shock symbol: To suggest a danger of
hazardous Voltage.
Elektrischer Schlag: Zeigt Gefährdungen durch
gefährliche Spannungen an.
감전 표시: 위험 전압을 주의하라는 표시입니다.
Symbole de choc électrique : Pour suggérer un
risque de tension dangereuse.
Simbolo di scossa elettrica: per suggerire il
rischio derivante da una tensione pericolosa.
Símbolo de descarga eléctrica: Para sugerir el
peligro de una descarga eléctrica.
Símbolo de choque elétrico: Para sugerir um
risco de voltagem perigosa.
     :
   .
   .
 ,  
  :  
   .
Elektrik oku sembolü: Tehlikeli Voltaj düzeyi
tehlikesi olduunu gösterir.
Important Safety Information/Wichtige
情報/중요한 안전 정보/Informations
importantes relatives à la
sécurité/Informazioni di sicurezza
importanti/ Información importante de
seguridad/Informações de segurança
importantes/  
 / 
/ 
 / Önemli Güvenlik Bilgileri
You must read all of the installation instructions in the
Installation Guide supplied with your equipment and the following
safety instructions before installation or operation.
Sie müssen vor der Installation oder Bedienung das mit
Ihrer Anlage mitgelieferten Installationshandbuch und die folgende
Sicherheitshinweise lesen.
설치 작동 전에 장치와 함께 제공된 설치 안내서의 설치 지침
다음 안전 지침을 모두 숙지해야 합니다.
Mise en garde :
avant l'installation ou l'exploitation de votre matériel,
veillez à lire la totalité des instructions d'installation figurant dans le
guide d'installation correspondant.
prima di eseguire l’installazione e di azionare
l’apparecchio, leggere tutte le istruzioni sull’installazione e la Guida di
installazione in dotazione all’apparecchio oltre alle seguenti istruzioni
di sicurezza.
Antes de la instalación y la operación, debe leer todas
las instrucciones de instalación de la Guía de instalación
proporcionada junto con su equipo y las siguientes instrucciones de
Você deve ler todas as instruções de instalação no Guia de
Instalação que acompanha o equipamento e estas instruções de
segurança, antes de instalar ou operar o equipamento.
    
     
     .
   
     ,
 ,    
     
 
,    
      .
Kurulumdan veya çalıtırmadan önce ekipmanınızla birlikte
verilen Kurulum Kılavuzunda yer alan tüm kurulum talimatlarını ve
aaıdaki güvenlik talimatlarını mutlaka okuyun.
Do not block ventilation openings while the system is on,
and keep at least 10 cm distance from ventilation openings and walls
or other things which may block the openings.
Blockieren Sie die Lüftungsmündungen nicht, wenn das
System läuft. Stellen Sie die Lüftungsmündungen mindestens 10 cm
entfernt von den Wänden oder anderen Sachen, die die Mündungen
blockieren können.
口と壁などの障害物との間は少なくとも 10 cm 空けてください。
시스템이 켜져 있는 동안 통풍구를 막지 말고 통풍구 또는
통풍구를 막을 있는 기타 대상으로부터 최소 10cm 거리를
유지해야 합니다.
Mise en garde :
n'obstruez pas les ouvertures de ventilation lorsque
le système est sous tension et maintenez une distance d'au moins 10
cm entre les ouvertures de ventilation et la paroi murale ou d'autres
objets susceptibles de les bloquer.
non bloccare le aperture di ventilazione mentre il
sistema è attivo e tenere una distanza di almeno 10 cm dalle aperture
di ventilazione e dalle pareti e altri oggetti che potrebbero bloccare le
No bloquee los orificios de ventilación cuando el
sistema esté encendido, y deje al menos 10 cm entre estos orificios
y las paredes u otros elementos que puedan bloquearlos.
Não bloqueie as entradas de ventilação com o sistema
ligado e mantenha uma distância de, pelo menos, 10 cm entre essas
entradas e paredes ou outros obstáculos que possam bloquear as
     .
     
    10 c 
     
 .    10  
    
,     .
 
  ,  
:      10  
Sistem açıkken havalandırma boluklarını kapatmayın ve
havalandırma boluklarıyla duvar veya bunları kapayabilecek dier
eyler arasında en az 10 cm mesafe bırakın.
The protective earthing / grounding conductor packaged
with this product should be appropriately modified by a qualified
electrician to lengths where required by local regulations. The
conductor should be cut to length, and terminated with a suitably
certified connector. Note that for rack mounted equipment the
conductor must be terminated within the rack enclosure grounding
system. The supplemental grounding cable must be maintained within
the rack system at all times.
Der im Lieferumfang dieses Produkts enthaltene
Schutzleiter/Erdungsleiter muss von einem qualifizierten Elektriker
auf die entsprechende Länge gekürzt werden, sofern von lokalen
Bestimmungen und Richtlinien verlangt. Der Schutzleiter sollte auf die
korrekte Länge zugeschnitten und mit einem geeigneten zertifizierten
Anschluss terminiert werden. Beachten Sie, dass bei Rack montierten
Geräten die Leiter innerhalb des Erdungssystems des Rackgehäuses
mit einem Abschlusswiderstand versehen werden müssen. Das
zusätzliche Erdungskabel muss innerhalb des Rack-Systems stets
instandgehalten werden.
注意: この製品に付属の保護アース/接地線は、認定電気技術者が現地
規制に適合する長さに適切な方法で変更する必要があります。 導体を相
装置がラックマウントされている場合、導体はラック エンクロージャ内のア
ース システム内で終端する必要があります ラッ システム内に予備の
アース ケーブルを常備しておく必要があります。
자격을 갖춘 전기 기술자가 제품과 함께 제공된 보호 접지 /
접지 도체를 현지 규정에서 요구하는 길이로 적절하게 수정해야
합니다. 도체를 해당 길이로 절단하고, 적합한 커넥터로 종단시켜야
합니다. 장착 장비의 경우, 인클로저 접지 시스템 내에서 도체를
종단시켜야 함을 유념하십시오. 항상 보조 접지 케이블을 시스탬
내에 유지해야 합니다.
le conducteur de terre de protection livré avec ce produit
doit être correctement modifié par un électricien qualifié à des
longueurs définies conformément aux réglementations locales. Le
conducteur de terre doit être coupé à la longueur appropriée, et
terminé avec un connecteur disposant de la certification adéquate.
Notez que pour l'équipement monté en rack, le conducteur doit être
terminé à l'intérieur du système de mise à la terre du boîtier du rack.
Le câble de mise à la terre supplémentaire doit être maintenu en
permanence dans le système de rack.
la lunghezza del conduttore di messa a terra incluso
nella confezione di questo prodotto deve essere correttamente
modificata da un elettricista specializzato, qualora sia richiesto dalle
normative locali. Il conduttore deve essere tagliato a misura e dotato
di terminazione con un connettore certificato adatto. Tenere presente
che per le apparecchiature montate a rack il conduttore deve disporre
di terminazione all'interno del sistema di messa a terra del contenitore
a rack. Il cavo di messa a terra supplementare deve sempre essere
mantenuto all'interno del sistema rack.
El conductor de protección de conexión a tierra
suministrado con este producto debería ser modificado como
corresponde por un electricista calificado para la longitud que exijan
las regulaciones locales. El conductor debería cortarse tras una
determinada longitud y cerrarse con un conector certificado
adecuado. Recuerde que, para equipos montados en bastidor, el
conductor debe cerrarse dentro del sistema de conexión a tierra de la
carcasa del bastidor. El cable de conexión a tierra complementario
debe mantenerse en todo momento dentro del sistema del bastidor.
o condutor de aterramento protetor incluído na embalagem
do produto deve ser adequadamente modificado, por um eletricista
qualificado, com o comprimento exigido pelas regulamentações
locais. O condutor deverá ser cortado no comprimento correto e
terminar com um conector adequadamente certificado. Observe que,
no caso de equipamentos montados em rack, o condutor deverá
terminar dentro do sistema de aterramento do compartimento do rack.
O cabo de aterramento complementar deverá ser mantido sempre
dentro do sistema de rack.
      /
       
      . 
      
.      
   .   
       .
   
  
   
    
,     
.      
     .
  ,   , 
,     
   . 
  
    
   , 
   ,  
    
.      , 
  ,    .
   ,      , 
       
.       
Bu ürünle birlikte paketlenen koruyucu topraklama iletkeni,
yerel düzenlemelerin art kotuu durumlarda, kalifiye bir elektrikçi
tarafından gereken uzunlua getirilmelidir. letken, gereken uzunlukta
kesilmeli ve ucunda uygun sertifikaya sahip bir konektör bulunmalıdır.
Rafa monte edilen ekipmanlarda iletkenin mutlaka raf muhafazası
topraklama sistemi içinde sonlandırılması gerektiini unutmayın.
Ek topraklama kablosu her zaman raf sisteminin içinde muhafaza
When installing the unit, always make the ground
connection first and disconnect it last. Never defeat the ground
conductor or operate the equipment in the absence of a suitably
installed ground conductor. Check installation before operation.
Beachten Sie, dass bei der Installation des Systems stets
zuerst die Erdverbindung angebracht wird und die Erdverbindung
stets als letztes getrennt wird. Betreiben Sie die Ausrüstung niemals
ohne eine passende, installierte Erdung. Trennen Sie das System
nicht von der Erdung. Überprüfen Sie die Erdung vor der
장치를 설치할 항상 처음에 접지한 나중에 접지를
해제해야 합니다. 접지 도체를 손상시키거나 접지 도체를 적절히
설치하지 않은 상태에서 장치를 작동해서는 됩니다. 작동 전에 설치
상태를 확인하십시오.
lors de l'installation de l'unité, veillez à effectuer
d'abord le branchement à la terre. Déconnectez le câble secteur en
dernier lorsque vous mettez l'unité hors tension. Ne bloquez jamais le
conducteur à la terre et évitez de manipuler le matériel en l'absence
d'une prise à la terre correctement installée. Vérifiez l'état de
l'installation avant de commencer une opération.
durante l’installazione dell’unità, innestare sempre per
prima e disconnettere per ultima la connessione di terra. Non
annullare mai il conduttore di terra né azionare l’apparecchiatura in
assenza di un conduttore di terra correttamente installato. Prima di
azionare, verificare l’installazione.
Al instalar la unidad, siempre lo primero que debe
establecer y lo último que debe desconectar es la conexión a tierra.
Nunca anule el conductor a tierra ni opere el equipo sin un conductor
a tierra bien instalado. Revise la instalación antes de operar.
Ao instalar a unidade, sempre faça primeiro a conexão com o
terra e a desconecte por último. Nunca desconecte o terra ou opere o
equipamento sem um condutor de terra instalado adequadamente.
Verifique a instalação, antes de operar o equipamento.
  
    ,
   .     
      
 .   
    
   
   .   
   
  
   . 
   .
     
   .  
     .
     