Candy FIDC N612 Manual de utilizare

Manual de utilizare
CANDY HOOVER GROUP Via Comolli 16 Brugherio – Italy
Instrukcje użytkownika
Pokyny pro uživatele
Инструкции за потребителя
Navodila za uporabnika
Upute za korisnike
User Instructions
Uputstva za upotrebu
Instrucțiuni de utilizare
Návod na použitie
Hasznalati utasitasa
Інструкції для користувача
Kullanıcı Talimatları
EN 2
Safety Indications
General Instructions
Product description
Display description
Cooking Modes
General notes on cleaning
Waste management and environmental protection
EN 3
During cooking, moisture may condense inside the oven cavity
or on the glass of the door. This is a normal condition. To reduce
this eect, wait 10-15 minutes after turning on the power be-
fore putting food inside the oven. ln any case, the condensation
disappears when the oven reaches the cooking temperature.
Cook the vegetables in a container with a lid instead of an open
Avoid leaving food inside the oven after cooking for more than
15/20 minutes.
WARNING: the accessible parts can become hot when the oven
is in use. Young children should be kept at a safe distance.
WARNING: the accessible parts can become hot when the grill
is in use. Children should be kept at a safe distance.
Disconnect the appliance from the mains electricity supply be-
fore carrying out any work or maintenance.
WARNING: in order to avoid any danger caused by the acciden-
tal resetting of the thermal interruption device, the appliance
should not be powered by an external switching device, such as
a timer, or be connected to a circuit that is regularly switched on
and o.
Children under 8 should be kept at a safe distance from the ap-
pliance if not continuously supervised.
Children should not play with the appliance.
The appliance can be used by those aged 8 or over and by those
with limited physical, sensorial or mental capacities, without
experience or knowledge of the product, only if supervised or
provided with instruction as to the operation of the appliance,
in a safe way with awareness of the possible risks.
Cleaning and maintenance should not be carried out by unsu-
pervised children.
Do not use rough or abrasive materials or sharp metal scrapers
to clean the oven door glasses, as they can scratch the surface
Safety Indications
EN 4
and cause the glass to shatter.
The oven must be switched o before removing the removable
parts. After cleaning, reassemble them according the instruc-
Only use the meat probe recommended for this oven.
Do not use a steam cleaner or high pressure spray for cleaning
nection to the power source must be carried out by a suitably
qualied professional. In order to have an installation compliant
to the current safety legislation the oven must be connect-
ed only placing an omnipolar breaker, with contact separation
compliant to the requirements for overvoltage category III,
between the appliance and the power source. The omnipolar
breaker must bear the maximum connected load and must be
in line with current legislation. The yellow-green earth cable
should not be interrupted by the breaker. The omnipolar break-
er used for the connection must be easily accessible when the
appliance is installed.
The connection to the power source must be carried out by a
suitably qualied professional considering the polarity of the
oven and of the power source.
The disconnection must be achieved incorporating a switch in
the xed wiring in accordance with the wiring rules
The socket must be suitable for the load indicated on the tag
and must have ground contact connected and in operation.
The earth conductor is yellow-green in colour. This operation
should be carried out by a suitably qualied professional. ln case
EN 5
of incompatibility between the socket and the appliance plug,
ask a qualied electrician to substitute the socket with another
suitable type. The plug and the socket must be conformed to
the current norms of the installation country. Connection to the
power source can also be made by placing an omnipolar break-
er, with contact separation compliant to the requirements for
overvoltage category III, between the appliance and the pow-
er source that can bear the maximum connected load and that
is in line with current legislation. The yellow-green earth cable
should not be interrupted by the breaker. The socket or omnip-
olar breaker used for the connection should be easily accessi-
ble when the appliance is installed.
The disconnection may be achieved by having the plug accessi-
ble or by incorporating a switch in the xed wiring in accordance
with the wiring rules.
lf the power cable is damaged, it should be substituted with a
cable or special bundle available from the manufacturer or by
contacting the customer service department. The type of pow-
er cable must be H05V2V2-F. This operation should be carried
out by a suitably qualied professional. The earth conductor
(yellow-green) must be approximately 10 mm longer than the
other conductors. For any repairs, refer only to the Customer
Care Department and request the use of original spare parts.
Failure to comply with the above can compromise the safety of
the appliance and invalidate the guarantee.
Any excess of spilled material should be removed before clean-
A long power supply failure during an occurring cooking phase
may cause a malfunction of the monitor. ln this case contact
customer service.
The appliance must not be installed behind a decorative door in
order to avoid overheating.
When you place the shelf inside, make sure that the stop is di-
rected upwards and in the back of the cavity. The shelf must be
EN 6
inserted completely into the cavity.
When inserting the grid tray pay attention that the anti-slide
edge is positioned rearwards and upwards.
WARNING: Do not line the oven walls with aluminium foil or sin-
gle-use protection available from stores. Aluminium foil or any
other protection, in direct contact with the hot enamel, risk
melting and deteriorating the enamel of the insides.
WARNING: Never remove the oven door seal.
CAUTION: Do not rell the cavity bottom with water during
cooking or when the oven is hot.
No additional operation/setting is required in order to operate
the appliance at the rated frequencies.
The oven can be located high in a column or under a worktop.
Before xing, you must ensure good ventilation in the oven
space to allow proper circulation of the fresh air required for
cooling and protecting the internal parts. Make the openings
specied on last page according to the type of tting.
For a correct use of the oven it is advisable not to put the food in
direct contact with the racks and trays, but to use oven papers
and / or special containers.
EN 7
General Instructions
Safety Indications
We thank you for choosing one of our products. For the best results with your oven, you should
read this manual carefully and retain it for future reference. Before installing the oven, take note
of the serial number so that you can give it to customer service sta if any repairs are required.
Having removed the oven from its packaging, check that it has not been damaged during trans-
portation. If you have doubts, do not use the oven and refer to a qualied technician for advice.
Keep all of the packaging material (plastic bags, polystyrene, nails) out of the reach of children.
When the oven is switched on for the rst time, strong smelling smoke can develop, which is
caused by the glue on the insulation panels surrounding the oven heating for the rst time. This
is absolutely normal and, if it occurs, you should wait for the smoke to dissipate before putting
food in the oven. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility in cases where the instructions
contained in this document are not observed.
NOTE: the oven functions, properties and accessories cited in this manual will vary, depending
on the model you have purchased.
Only use the oven for its intended purpose, that is only for the cooking of foods; any other use, for
example as a heat source, is considered improper and therefore dangerous. The manufacturer
cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from improper, incorrect or unreasonable
The use of any electrical appliance implies the observance of some fundamental rules:
- do not pull on the power cable to disconnect the plug from the socket;
- do not touch the appliance with wet or damp hands or feet;
- in general the use of adaptors, multiple sockets and extension cables is not recommended;
- in case of malfunction and/or poor operation, switch o the appliance and do not tamper with it.
Electrical Safety
CONNECTIONS. The power supply to which the oven is connected must conform with the
laws in force in the country of installation. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for any
damage caused by the failure to observe these instructions. The oven must be connected to
an electrical supply with an earthed wall outlet or a disconnector with multiple poles, depending
on the laws in force in the country of installation. The electrical supply should be protected with
suitable fuses and the cables used must have a transverse section that can ensure correct sup-
ply to the oven.
The oven is supplied with a power cable that should only be connected to an electrical supply
with 220-240 Vac power between the phases or between the phase and neutral. Before the oven
is connected to the electrical supply, it is important to check:
- power voltage indicated on the gauge;
- the setting of the disconnector.
EN 8
The grounding wire connected to the oven’s earth terminal must be connected to the earth ter-
minal of the power supply.
Before connecting the oven to the power supply, ask a qualied electrician to check the conti-
nuity of the power supply’s earth terminal. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for any
accidents or other problems caused by failure to connect the oven to the earth terminal or by an
earth connection that has defective continuity.
NOTE: as the oven could require maintenance work, it is advisable to keep another wall socket
available so that the oven can be connected to this if it is removed from the space in which it is
installed. The power cable must only be substituted by technical service sta or by technicians
with equivalent qualications.
A low light around the central main switch could be present when the oven is o. This is a normal
behavior. I can be removed just turning the plug upside down or swapping the supply terminals.
After each use of the oven, a minimum of cleaning will help keep the oven perfectly clean.
Do not line the oven walls with aluminium foil or single-use protection available from stores. Al-
uminium foil or any other protection, in direct contact with the hot enamel, risks melting and de-
teriorating the enamel of the insides. In order to prevent excessive dirtying of your oven and the
resulting strong smokey smells, we recommend not using the oven at very high temperature. It
is better to extend the cooking time and lower the temperature a little. In addition to the acces-
sories supplied with the oven, we advise you only use dishes and baking moulds resistant to very
high temperatures.
The manufacturers have no obligation to carry this out. If the assistance of the manufacturer is
required to rectify faults arising from incorrect installation, this assistance is not covered by the
guarantee. The installation instructions for professionally qualied personnel must be followed.
Incorrect installation may cause harm or injury to people, animals or belongings. The manufac-
turer cannot be held responsible for such harm or injury.
The oven can be located high in a column or under a worktop. Before xing, you must ensure good
ventilation in the oven space to allow proper circulation of the fresh air required for cooling and
protecting the internal parts. Make the openings specied on last page according to the type of
First Use
PRELIMINARY CLEANING; Clean the oven before using for the rst time. Wipe over external surfaces with
a damp soft cloth. Wash all accessories and wipe inside the oven with a solution of hot water and washing
up liquid. Set the empty oven to the maximum temperature and leave on for about 1 hour, this will remove
any lingering smells of newness.
EN 9
1. Control panel
2. Shelf positions (lateral wire
grid if included)
3. Grids
4. Trays
5. Fan (if present)
6. Oven door
7. Lateral wire grids (if present:
only for at cavity)
8. Serial number
Collects residues that drip when cooking food
on the grills.
Holds baking trays and plates.
Located on both sides of the oven cavity, holds
metal grills and drip pans.
Product description
3 Metal grid
7 Lateral wire grids (only if present*)
4 Drip tray
EN: Oven trays and grids are not suitable for direct
contact with food. Please use suitable cookware or
baking paper.
EN 10
Catalytic panels (only if present*)
Dual tray (only if present*)
* Depending on the oven model.
Softclose (only if present*)
Chef panel (only if present*)
Pizza stone (only if present*)Airfry (only if present*)
Special panels coated with enamel, made with a
microporous structure to turn fat into gaseous el-
ements that are easy to remove. Replace after 3
years of use (at 2/3 cooking cycles per week).
This accessory allows you to cook the best BBQ
meat without generating smoke. By simply chang-
ing the tray’s direction, you can also cook vegeta-
bles or sh, keeping them tender and juicy without
adding fats, thanks to the steam touch.
This accessory guarantees that your food will be
consistently crunchy on the outside and tender
on the inside, and it achieves this in less time than
a deep fryer without the need for oil. Additionally,
it promotes improved air circulation, resulting in
crispier food. For the best results, use level 3 for
airfry grids and level 4 for airfry trays.
Hinges which ensure an automatic soft and smooth
movement during the closing phase of the oven
An air conveyor that increases air circulation inside
the oven. This enables improved cooking perfor-
mance, more even cooking of food at all temper-
atures, shorter cooking times and, lastly, an even
temperature distribution inside the oven.
Place the pizza stone in the cold oven on the rack.
Wait at least 30 minutes for the stone to heat up
before cooking the pizza. Season the pizza and
place it on the pizza stone.
When properly heated, it assists in cooking pizza
similarly to professional ovens. Preheating the piz-
za creates an extremely hot cooking surface that
makes the pizza crust crispy and brown.
EN 11
Display description
1. Thermostat selector knob
2. Cooking time
3. Function selector knob
To set the cooking time, turn dial one complete revolution and then position
the index to the required time. When the time has lapsed, the signal will ring
for a few seconds.
EN 12
Cooking Modes
* Tested in accordance with the EN 60350-1 for the purpose of energy consumption declaration and energy class.
Depending on the oven model.
** Use with the door closed.
T °C
T °C
range Function
LAMP: Turns on the oven light.
220 50 ÷ MAX
* CONVENTIONAL: Both top and bottom heating elements are used.
Preheat the oven for about ten minutes. This method is ideal for all tradi-
tional roasting and baking. For seizing red meats, roast beef, leg of lamb,
game, bread, foil wrapped food (papillotes), aky pastry. Place the food
and its dish on a shelf in mid position.
210 50 ÷ MAX BOTTOM HEATING: Using the lower element. Ideal for cooking all pastry
based dishes. Use this forans, quiches, tarts, pate and any cooking that
needs more heat from below.
200 50 ÷ MAX
**GRILL : use the grill with the door closed.
The top heating element is used alone and you can adjust the temper-
ature. Five minutes preheating is required to get the elements red-hot.
Success is guaranteed for grills, kebabs and gratin dishes. White meats
should be put at a distance from the grill; the cooking time is longer, but
the meat will be tastier. You can put red meats and sh llets on the shelf
with the drip tray underneath.
190 50 ÷ MAX * COOK LIGHT: This function allows to cook in a healthier way, by re-
ducing the amount of fat or oil required. The combination of heating ele-
ments with a pulsating cycle of air ensures a perfect baking result.
210 50 ÷ MAX
MULTI-LEVEL: We recommend you use this method for poultry, pastries,
sh and vegetables. Heat penetrates into the food better and both the
cooking and preheating times are reduced. You can cook dierent foods
at the same time with or without the same preparation in one or more po-
sitions. This cooking method gives even heat distribution and the smells
are not mixed.
Allow about ten minutes extra when cooking foods at the same time.
EN 13
The lifecycle of the appliance can be extended
through regular cleaning. Wait for the oven to
cool before carrying out manual cleaning op-
erations. Never use abrasive detergents, steel
wool or sharp objects for cleaning, so as to not
irreparably damage the enamelled parts. Use
only water, soap or bleach-based detergents
It is advisable to clean the glass window with
absorbent kitchen towel after every use of
the oven. To remove more obstinate stains,
you can use a detergent-soaked sponge, well
wrung out, and then rinse with water.
If dirty, the seal can be cleaned with a slightly
General notes on cleaning
1. Remove the wire racks by pulling them in the direction of the arrows (see below)
2. To clean the wire racks either put them in the dishwasher or use a wet sponge, ensuring that they
are dried afterwards.
3. After the cleaning process install the wire racks in reverse order.
damp sponge.
Clean accessories with a wet, soapy sponge
before rinsing and drying them: avoid using
abrasive detergents.
After using the grill, remove the pan from the
oven. Pour the hot fat into a container and
wash the pan in hot water, using a sponge and
washing-up liquid.
If greasy residues remain, immerse the pan in
water and detergent. Alternatively, you can
wash the pan in the dishwasher or use a com-
mercial oven detergent. Never put a dirty pan
back into the oven.
1. Disconnect the oven from the mains supply.
2. Undo the glass cover, unscrew the bulb and replace it with a new bulb of the same type.
3. Once the defective bulb is replaced, replace the glass cover.
This product contains one or more light sources of energy eciency class G (Lamp) /F (10 Led).
EN 14
Aquactiva Function
The Aquactiva procedure uses steam to help remove remaining fat and food particles from the oven.
1. Pour 300 ml of water into the Aquactiva container at the bottom of the oven.
2. Set the oven function to Static ( )or Bottom ( )heater
3. Set the temperature to the Aquactiva icon
4. Allow the program to operate for 30 minutes.
5. After 30 minutes switch o the program and allow the oven to cool down.
6. When the appliance is cool, clean the inner surfaces of the oven with a cloth.
Warning: Make sure that the appliance is cool before you touch it.
Care must be taken with all hot surfaces as there is a risk of burns.
Use distilled or drinkable water.
*Depending on the oven model.
300 ml
EN 15
Waste management and environmental protection
This appliance is labelled in
accordance with European Di-
rective 2012/19/EU regarding
electric and electronic appli-
ances (WEEE). The WEEE con-
tain both polluting substances
(that can have a negative ef-
fect on the environment) and base elements
(that can be reused). It is important that the
WEEE undergo specic treatments to cor-
rectly remove and dispose of the pollutants
and recover all the materials. Individuals can
play an important role in ensuring that the
WEEE do not become an environmental prob-
lem; it is essential to follow a few basic rules:
- the WEEE should not be treated as domestic
- the WEEE should be taken to dedicated col-
lection areas managed by the town council or a
registered company.
In many countries, domestic collections may
be available for large WEEEs. When you buy a
new appliance, the old one can be returned to
the vendor who must accept it free of charge
as a one-o, as long as the appliance is of an
equivalent type and has the same functions as
the purchased appliance.
Problem Possible cause Solution
the oven does not heat
up The clock is not set Set the clock
The oven does not
heat up A cooking function and temperature has
not been set Ensure that the necessary settings
are correct
No reaction of the
touch user interface Steam and condensation on the user in-
terface panel
Clean with a microber cloth the
user interface panel to remove the
condensation layer
Where possible, avoid pre-heating the oven
and always try to ll it. Open the oven door as
infrequently as possible, because heat from
the cavity disperses every time it is opened.
For a signicant energy saving, switch o the
oven between 5 and 10 minutes before the
planned end of the cooking time, and use the
residual heat that the oven continues to gen-
erate. Keep the seals clean and in order, to
avoid any heat dispersal outside of the cavity.
If you have an electric contract with an hour-
ly tari, the delayed cooking” programme
makes energy saving more simple, moving the
cooking process to start at the reduced tari
time slot.
PL 16
Instrukcje bezpieczeństwa
Instrukcje ogólne
Opis produktu
Opis wyświetlacza
Tryby pieczenia
Czyszczenie i konserwacja piekarnika
Rozwiązywanie problemów
Spis treści
PL 17
Podczas gotowania wilgoć może skraplać się do komory pieka-
rnika lub na szybkę drzwiczek. Jest to zjawisko normalne. Aby
je ograniczyć, należy poczekać od 10 do 15 minut po włączeniu
urządzenia, zanim żywność zostanie umieszczona w piekarniku.
Skropliny znikną, gdy piekarnik osiągnie temperaturę pieczenia.
Warzywa najlepiej piec w pojemniku z pokryzamiast otwar-
tego naczynia.
Unikać pozostawiania żywności wewnątrz piekarnika po piec-
zeniu na dłej niż 15/20 minut.
OSTRZEŻENIE: urządzenie i niektóre z elementów nagrzewają
się w trakcie ich działania. Uważać, aby nie dotknąć jakiejkolwiek
gorącej części.
OSTRZEŻENIE: W trakcie użytkowania piekarnika dostępne
części mogą się silnie nagrzać. Małe dzieci powinny znajdow
się w bezpiecznej odległości.
OSTRZEŻENIE: Przed przystąpieniem do jakichkolwiek prac lub
konserwacji należy odłączyć urządzenie od sieci elektrycznej.
W celu uniknięcia zagrenia związanego z przypadkowym
ponownym włączeniem wyłącznika termicznego urządzenie nie
powinno być zasilane przez zewnętrzne urządzenie przełącza-
jące, takie jak regulator czasowy, lub podłączone do obwodu,
który jest regularnie włączany i wyłączany.
Dzieci poniżej 8. roku życia mus zachować bezpiecz
odległość od urządzenia, jeśli nie są pod stym nadzorem.
Nie należy zezwalać dzieciom na zaba z urządzeniem.
Urządzenie to może być obsługiwane przez dzieci w wieku 8
lat lub więcej oraz osoby o ograniczonej zdolności zycznej,
czuciowej lub psychicznej bądź nieposiadające doświadcze-
nia i wiedzy, jeśli one pod nadzorem lub poinstruowano je w
zakresie bezpiecznej obsługi urządzenia i zrozumiały one po-
tencjalne zagrożenia, mając świadomość możliwych zagrożeń.
Czyszczenie i konserwacja nie powinny być wykonywane przez
Instrukcje bezpieczeństwa
PL 18
dzieci bez nadzoru.
Do czyszczenia szybek drzwiczek piekarnika nie należy używać
szorstkich lub ściernych materiałów ani ostrych metalowych
skrobaków, ponieważ mo one porysować powierzchnię i
spowodować rozbicie szkła.
Piekarnik musi być wyłączony przed wyjęciem ruchomych częś-
Po wyczyszczeniu zmontować je zgodnie z instrukcjami.
Używać wącznie termosondy zalecanej dla tego piekarnika.
Nie stosować do czyszczenia urządzeń parowych ani spray’u
Jeśli piekarnik jest dostarczany przez producenta bez wtyczki:
TRYCZNEJ. Podłączenie do źródła zasilania musi być wykonane
przez specjalis z odpowiednimi kwalikacjami. W celu uzyska-
nia instalacji zgodnej z aktualnymi przepisami bezpieczeństwa,
piekarnik musi być podłączony wyłącznie z wyłącznikiem wielo-
biegunowym, z separac styków zgodną z wymaganiami dla
kategorii nadnapięciowej III, pomiędzy urządzeniem a źródłem
zasilania. Wyłącznik wielobiegunowy musi wytrzymać maksy-
malną moc przyłączeniową i musi b zgodny z obowiązują-
cymi przepisami. Żółto-zielony przewód uziemienia nie może
być zasłaniany przez wyłącznik. Wyłącznik wielobiegunowy
zastosowany do podłączenia powinien być po zainstalowan-
iu urządzenia łatwo dostępny. Podłączenie do źródła zasilania
musi być wykonane przez specjalistę z odpowiednimi kwalik-
acjami z uwzględnieniem biegunowości piekarnika i źródła zasi-
lania. Odłączenie powinno następowpoprzez przełącznik w
stałym okablowaniu zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami w
zakresie okablowania.
Jeśli piekarnik jest dostarczany przez producenta z wtyczką:
Gniazdko musi być odpowiednie do obciąż nia wskazanego na
PL 19
tabliczce i musi posadać podłączony oraz działający styk uz-
Uziemienie oznaczone jest kolorem żółto-zielonym. Ta
czynność musi być wykonana przez specjalistę z odpowiedni-
mi kwalikacjami. W razie niezgodności pomiędzy gniazdem i
wtyczurządzenia, należy poprosić wykwalikowanego elek-
tryka o zastąpienie gniazda innym odpowiednim typem. Wtycz-
ka i gniazdo mus być zgodne z obowiązującymi normami
kraju instalacji. Podłączenie do źródła zasilania można również
wykonać, umieszczając wyłącznik wielobiegunowy, z separac-
styków zgodną z wymogami dla kategorii przepięciowej III, w
miejscu pomiędzy urządzeniem i źródłem zasilania, które może
wytrzymać maksymalne obciążenie i jest to zgodne z obowiązu-
jącymi przepisami. Żółto-zielony kabel uziemiający nie powin-
ien być przerwany przez ten wącznik. Gniazdo oraz wącznik
wielobiegunowy zastosowany do podłączenia powinien być po
zainstalowaniu urządzenia łatwo dostępny. Odłączenie umożli-
wia się poprzez zapewnienie dostępu do wtyczki lub wstawienie
przełącznika do stałego okablowania zgodnie z obowiązujący-
mi przepisami w zakresie okablowania.
Jeśli przewód zasilający jest uszkodzony, musi bzastąpiony
kablem lub specjalną wiązką przewodów udostępnianą przez
producenta lub wskazaną po skontaktowaniu się z działem
obsługi klientów.
Kabel zasilający musi być typu H05V2V2-F.
Czynność powinien przeprowadzić odpowiednio wykwali-
kowany specjalista. Przewód uziemiający (żółto-zielony) musi
być o około 10 mm dłuższy niż pozostałe przewody. W przypad-
ku jakichkolwiek napraw należy zwracać się wyłącznie do działu
obsługi klienta i zażądać zastosowania oryginalnych części
Nieprzestrzeganie powyższej wskazówki może zakłócić bez-
pieczeństwo urządzenia i spowodować utratę gwarancji.
Nadmiar rozlanych substancji należy usunąć przed czyszczeni-
PL 20
em urządzenia.
uga awaria zasilania podczas etapu gotowania może spow-
odować usterkę monitora. W takiej sytuacji należy się skontak-
tować z biurem obsługi klienta.
Aby uniknąć przegrzewania się, urządzenia tego nie należy in-
stalować za panelem dekoracyjnym.
W razie umieszczania we wnętrzu półki należy się upewnić, że
ogranicznik jest skierowany w górę i w stronę tylną komory. Pół-
ka musi być włożona całkowicie do komory.
Podczas wkładania tacy siatkowej należy zwrócić uwagę, aby
krawędź antypoślizgowa była ustawiona do tyłu i do góry.
OSTRZEŻENIE: Nie zakrywać ścianek piekarnika folią alumin-
iowa ani dostępnymi na rynku foliami jednorazowymi. Folia alu-
miniowa lub jakiekolwiek inne zabezpieczenia w bezpośrednim
kontakcie z powierzchniami gorącej emalii mogłyby stopić się i
uszkodzić emaliowane powierzchnie wewnątrz piekarnika.
OSTRZEŻENIE: Nigdy nie usuwaj uszczelki z drzwiczek pieka-
PRZESTROGA: Nie napełniać wodą dna komory podczas got-
owania lub gdy piekarnik jest gorący.
W przypadku obsługiwania urządzenia przy częstotliwościach
znamionowych nie są wymagane żadne dodatkowe czynności/
Piekarnik można umieśc wysoko w słupku lub pod blatem
roboczym. Przed montażem zapewnić dobrą wentylację w
przestrzeni piekarnika, aby umożliwić właściwą cyrkulację
świeżego powietrza potrzebnego do chłodzenia i ochrony częś-
ci wewnętrznych. Otwory podane na ostatniej stronie wykonać
zgodnie z typem okucia.
W celu prawidłowego użytkowania piekarnika nie zaleca się
umieszczania żywności w bezpośrednim kontakcie z rusztami i
tacami, ale używania papieru do pieczenia i/lub specjalnych po-
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Candy FIDC N612 Manual de utilizare

Manual de utilizare